January 28, 2015

Posts Categorized: caring

The Community Foundation is deeply grateful to its Board of Directors, donors and partners for their support in 2014. What was the Foundation able to achieveRead more »

Oak Street Park Albany Community Foundation
January 15, 2015

Posts Categorized: caring

The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region is pleased to provide support through the Standish Family Fund and the John D. Picotte Family Foundation forRead more »

January 12, 2015

Posts Categorized: caring

From the Chronicle of Philanthropy: Giving: Back From Its Recession Depths “Giving USA” researchers last summer predicted that annual charitable giving in 2015 might top itsRead more »

January 07, 2015

Posts Categorized: caring

Melissa A. Berman at the Chronicle of Philanthropy writes: Philanthropists often say that giving away money is tougher than any other job they have had. WhatRead more »

December 31, 2014

Posts Categorized: caring

December 24, 2014

Posts Categorized: caring

From the Times Union: As we come to the close of 2014 and the holiday season, we at the Times Union hold great appreciation for theRead more »

December 22, 2014

Posts Categorized: caring

This post comes to us from Bruce DeBoskey and the Denver Post: During the holiday season, our mailboxes are overflowing with catalogs, holiday cards — andRead more »

December 18, 2014

Posts Categorized: caring

Today’s guest post is the text of a speech given recently by Harris Oberlander, CEO of Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region. Trinity Alliance of theRead more »

December 17, 2014

Posts Categorized: caring

An inspiring Thanksgiving message about family philanthropy by Philip J. Toffel, Esq., CEO of Sage Hill Advisory & Management: I find that many of my friends, family and IRead more »

December 08, 2014

Posts Categorized: caring

From the New York Times: I love this time of year, except for one teeny, tiny thing: charitable giving guilt. You know exactly what I’m talkingRead more »