July 14, 2015

Posts Categorized: philanthropy

From Bruce DeBoskey’s “On Philanthropy” column in the Denver Post: Although philanthropy is a deeply personal and highly individualized endeavor, here are the top five broadlyRead more »

June 30, 2015

Posts Categorized: philanthropy

Despite a volatile international stock market, Americans are continuing to generously support nonprofit organizations and programs. From GivingUSA: Americans gave an estimated $358.38 billion to charity inRead more »

June 11, 2015

Posts Categorized: philanthropy

From the Business Review: For many people, charitable giving is an important personal commitment. In a recent study on philanthropy, 91 percent of respondents have donated moneyRead more »

June 03, 2015

Posts Categorized: philanthropy

From PricewaterhouseCoopers and UBS (via the Chronicle of Philanthropy) The 2015 Billionaires Report, “Billionaires: Master Architects of Great Wealth and Lasting Legacies”: The world is inRead more »

April 28, 2015

Posts Categorized: philanthropy

Join the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and Council on Foundations for a webinar at 2 p.m. May 1 to discuss the needs and donor opportunities inRead more »

April 25, 2015

Posts Categorized: philanthropy

From our friends at Saratoga Today: Representatives of nonprofits, businesses, and people interested in philanthropy traveled from as far as Hudson, N.Y. to hear nationally renownedRead more »

April 24, 2015

Posts Categorized: philanthropy

From the New York Times: With the gala season in full swing, […] delicate conversations are par for the course. Yet these events, some more glitteryRead more »

April 07, 2015

Posts Categorized: philanthropy

On Monday, April 6, 2015, former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg laid out his philanthropic principles in a “Letter on Philanthropy,” published on the Bloomberg Philanthropies website.Read more »

March 12, 2015

Posts Categorized: philanthropy

From the Chronicle of Philanthropy: Giving away money can be fun — especially when it’s somebody else’s. That’s the premise behind Viewers to Volunteers, a newRead more »

February 24, 2015

Posts Categorized: philanthropy

From the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University: Charitable giving in the United States is expected to grow by 4.8 percent in 2015 andRead more »