June 01, 2017

Posts Categorized: Community Foundation News

From the Times Union: The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region is always trying to extend its reach. A resource for all things nonprofit, theRead more »

Breathing Lights (photo credit Hyers + Mebane)
March 17, 2017

Posts Categorized: Community Foundation News

Breathing Lights, the unprecedented temporary public art project for which the Community Foundation served as convener and fiscal agent, officially wraps with an afternoon of artRead more »

January 31, 2017

Posts Categorized: Community Foundation News

The B’nai B’rith Gideon Foundation is proud to announce that they have awarded $300,000 in grants to support low-income rental housing and/or related social and recreationalRead more »

Dhimiter Cobani addresses his fellow scholars at the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region's 2016 Scholarship Reception.
January 30, 2017

Posts Categorized: Community Foundation News

The Community Foundation awards more than $500,000 in scholarships each year (click here to view current scholarship opportunities). At our 2016 Scholarship Reception, Dhimiter Cobani, anRead more »

New York Capital Region Nonprofits: A Major Economic Engine
January 10, 2017

Posts Categorized: Community Foundation News

The nonprofit sector is a huge driving force in the Capital Region! The Community Foundation is happy to have joined our friends at the New YorkRead more »

Rooted in Community: the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region
December 16, 2016

Posts Categorized: Community Foundation News

How do community foundations strengthen their communities through philanthropy? View this short video to see how the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region is helpingRead more »

Announcing the Hortense and Louis Rubin Community Health Fund at the Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region
November 30, 2016

Posts Categorized: Community Foundation News

**Nonprofit friends: Interested in receiving notices about grant funding opportunities from the Rubin Community Health Fund? Join our e-mail list by clicking here!** The Community FoundationRead more »

Times Union Announces the Big $100,000 Giveaway
November 18, 2016

Posts Categorized: Community Foundation News

Friends, the Community Foundation is in the running to win one of 10 advertising grants from the Times Union. This advertising grant will help us tellRead more »

Grants from the Community Foundation's Albany Convention Center and Visitors Bureau Hospitality Grants Fund help make shows at Washington Park's Park Playhouse possible.
November 14, 2016

Posts Categorized: Community Foundation News

The Albany County Convention & Visitors Bureau (ACCVB) Foundation announced $50,500 in funding for latest round of Hospitality Grant recipients. To date, the three-year old programRead more »

Jon Elbaum (left) executive director of Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, with Dr. Jose Daniel Flores-Caraballo, artistic director for Albany Pro Musica
November 02, 2016

Posts Categorized: Community Foundation News

In 2015, the Community Foundation awarded $17,500 Community Impact grant for a collaboration between Troy Savings Bank Music Hall (TSBMH) and Albany Pro Musica (APM). TheRead more »