June 10, 2015

Posts Categorized: Family Philanthropy

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD6yU-06Spw] Watch the video above to hear how Neil and Jane Golub have made a positive impact through philanthropy from regional and national nonprofit leaders!Read more »

January 07, 2015

Posts Categorized: Family Philanthropy

Melissa A. Berman at the Chronicle of Philanthropy writes: Philanthropists often say that giving away money is tougher than any other job they have had. WhatRead more »

December 22, 2014

Posts Categorized: Family Philanthropy

This post comes to us from Bruce DeBoskey and the Denver Post: During the holiday season, our mailboxes are overflowing with catalogs, holiday cards — andRead more »

December 17, 2014

Posts Categorized: Family Philanthropy

An inspiring Thanksgiving message about family philanthropy by Philip J. Toffel, Esq., CEO of Sage Hill Advisory & Management: I find that many of my friends, family and IRead more »

November 27, 2014

Posts Categorized: Family Philanthropy

From Bruce DeBosky and the Planned Giving Design Center: As Thanksgiving approaches, most Americans plan to gather with family and friends. For many of us, theRead more »

Weifan Yuan Philanthropy Quote
October 24, 2014

Posts Categorized: Family Philanthropy

  A little philanthropic inspiration for Friday afternoon from Weifan Yuan. You don’t need to be a millionaire to be a philanthropist–you simply need to haveRead more »

Myles of Smyles donation
October 22, 2014

Posts Categorized: Family Philanthropy

From the Chronicle of Philanthropy: Most wealthy people give, but few of them are satisfied with what their philanthropy accomplishes, says a new report. The reportRead more »

Inspiring quote by Gamaliel Bailey
October 17, 2014

Posts Categorized: Family Philanthropy

  A little philanthropic inspiration for Friday afternoon from Gamaliel Bailey, an anti-slavery journalist working in the 1800s.

The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region 2013-2014 Annual Report
September 30, 2014

Posts Categorized: Family Philanthropy

In partnership with donors and the Board of Directors, the Community Foundation accomplished great things in the 2013 – 2014 year, such as: Helping local nonprofitRead more »

Raised Healthy, Wealthy & Wise
August 06, 2014

Posts Categorized: Family Philanthropy

Raised Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: Lessons from Successful Inheritors on How They Got That Way Coventry Edwards-Pitt (BP Books, 2014); Reviewed by Sara Finkelstein Order from 21/64Read more »