December 16, 2014

Community Foundation 2016 Grants—Now Online!

The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region invites nonprofit organizations to visit its website to apply for a wide range of grant funds. Application materials and guidelines for more than a dozen grantmaking funds are now available at

In 2014, the Community Foundation awarded more than $4.2 million in grants to more than 1,100 nonprofit organizations.

The Community Foundation manages approximately $61 million in assets through 420+ separate charitable funds for donors and fundholders. Foundation staff works with fundholders and donors on a one-on-one basis to determine how funds should be allocated, which includes an almost-limitless range of organizations and focus areas, and grantmaking processes.

The Community Foundation also works closely with its geographic funds, the Niskayuna Community Foundation and the Bethlehem Central Community Foundation, to provide grant and scholarship opportunities for organizations and students in those communities. Grant materials for the Niskayuna Community Foundation and the Bethlehem Central Community Foundation are available at