Emerging Issues in the Nonprofit Sector
September 19, 2014

Event: Emerging Issues in the Nonprofit Sector

Many nonprofit organizations struggle to fund social change projects, especially in these tough economic times. Beyond grant writing, what strategies can social change and advocacy nonprofits use to raise revenue while also building support for their missions? How can all nonprofits succeed during challenging economic times? Keynote speaker, Kim Klein, Klein and Roth Consulting, Oakland, CA, is an internationally known speaker, author of five books (including Reliable Fundraising in Unreliable Times), and founder of the Nonprofit Fundraising Journal.

Emerging Issues in the Nonprofit SectorEmerging Issues in the Nonprofit Sector
Sponsored by the University at Albany’s Rockefeller College and the Schools of Social Welfare and Public Health
October 31, 2014 from 8:00 am—12:30 pm
$25/session; $45 for both 10/31 and 12/5 sessions Light breakfast will be served.
To Register, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/86ZLWP2
Registration deadline is Friday, October 24th
For technical assistance with registration, contact Yvonne Harrison at yharrison@albany.edu

For more information, Peter Finn at pfinn@albany.edu, Yvonne Harrison at yharrison@albany.edu, Stephanie Wacholder at swacholder@albany.edu, or Janine Jurkowski at jjurkowski@albany.edu.