Raised Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: Lessons from Successful Inheritors on How They Got That Way
Coventry Edwards-Pitt (BP Books, 2014); Reviewed by Sara Finkelstein
At 21/64, many clients ask us how to think about raising well-adjusted children amid affluence. Raised Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: Lessons from Successful Inheritors on How They Got That Way by Coventry Edwards-Pitt is an insightful look into the key factors for raising children who are born into wealth that ensure that they become thriving, well-adjusted and contributing members of society. What is so unique about this book, is that, for the first time, readers gets an inside perspective from the now grown-up inheritors on how they believe they became the success stories they are today, as well as an outside perspective from Edwards-Pitt, tying everything together, giving parents and professionals in the field the important lessons-learned for them to use.
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