April 16, 2015

Posts Categorized: nonprofit resources

It can be difficult to place a value on time donated by volunteers, even though volunteer hours are one of the most important resources for nonprofitRead more »

April 08, 2015

Posts Categorized: nonprofit resources

From our friends at the Chronicle of Philanthropy: What do you wish you had known when you were beginning your fundraising career? What advice would youRead more »

April 02, 2015

Posts Categorized: nonprofit resources

DC Central Kitchen has unveiled a free manual, “Turning the Corner: The Inside Guide to Fighting Food Deserts through Corner Store Collaborations” – a comprehensive guide to replicatingRead more »

March 27, 2015

Posts Categorized: nonprofit resources

Pre-registration is required for this event. Click here to learn more and register. Locations/Dates/Times Buffalo, NY: April 9, 9 am to 3 pm, Meals on Wheels,Read more »

March 23, 2015

Posts Categorized: nonprofit resources

23rd Annual Interagency Awareness Day Wednesday, April 1, 2015  |  9 am – 1 pm Saratoga Springs City Center, 522 Broadway, Saratoga Springs Hosted by the Saratoga County EOCRead more »

February 26, 2015

Posts Categorized: nonprofit resources

From the Chronicle of Philanthropy: In a continued effort to self-regulate, Independent Sector, a membership organization of nonprofits, today released a set of 33 principles forRead more »