April 09, 2014

The Power of Local Philanthropy

From Northeastern University: 

Rebecca Riccio, director of the Social Impact Lab at North­eastern Uni­ver­sity, was recently asked to jus­tify the prac­tice of local phil­an­thropy in the United States when a dollar can go so much fur­ther in other countries.

In response, Riccio acknowl­edged the math behind that state­ment but empha­sized that local phil­an­thropy is much more than just a trans­ac­tional equa­tion. “I see local phil­an­thropy as a deeply held value, a trust, that is not just about money, but about engaging in and taking respon­si­bil­i­ties for our com­mu­ni­ties,” Riccio said.

– See more at: http://www.northeastern.edu/news/2014/04/local-philanthropy/#sthash.dJk8XKag.dpuf